"Do you have children?" Lady 1 asked
Of the lady sat close, Lady 2,
Who pondered, shook head,
Opened mouth and then said,
"My child is an African Blue.
"His lifespan is long, half a century.
He apes voices incredibly well.
My husband and I are bamboozled.
Is it he? Is it she?
We can't tell.
"Af Blue is a darling. We love him
Despite fact that he has a bad habit:
With something he fancies,
He'll take flying chances,
Swoop down from on high and just grab it.
"My husband, relaxing last week,
Screamed, 'Af's got my big toe in his beak'.
All I could think was, Drat, I'll
Have to scrub my shag pile
If blood from his toe starts to leak."
Lady 1, while she pictures the scene,
Thinks floor will need more than that clean,
For, if Af, as she'd heard,
Were free-range flying bird,
Rear end run would be elephant-een!