Golfing Belle(s)


Belle, with Mary – and Kate

On the tee rather late –

Well wrapped in their fleeces, with brollies,

Swapped doubts on the weather

As all three together

Made final adjustments to trolleys.


The first drive by Mary

Was somewhat contrary

Although it was hit with a biff.

Kate’s looked like succeeding

– She’d even be leading –

But Belle’s soared over the cliff.


They got to the third,

Spirits dampened.  No bird,

Ghastly bogeys and worse:  very dismal.

On reaching the tenth

They’d no pitch, line or length,

Altogether acutely abysmal.


Kate, after twelve holes

Thought she’d switch to mat bowls,

While the other two felt they were sinking.

Belle, unfairly, laid blame

On poor Mary’s slow game,

For that’s what she really was thinking.


They limped to the last

Where each gave ball a blast.

Golly Gosh!  All their drives were just thrilling.

With eagles the score

Might they want to play more?

When?  Next week?  Indeed, they are willing!